7 Best Cotton Candy Maker Reviews

Undoubtedly, selling cotton candy is a profitable business. But for business to bring a stable profit, you need to pick the right machine from the beginning, suitable specifically for you. On what aspects should you pay attention in the first place?

Regardless of the type of design, you should focus on some indicators:

  • what kind of raw materials can be used
  • maximal capacity
  • mounting type
  • catch pot dimensions
  • which company is better
  • price

Raw material

Most machines work with ordinary sugar, which can be turned into colored sugar with a dye or flavored with flavoring additives. The instruction manual describes in detail how and what can be done on the machine.

Country of manufacture

This is one of the most important criteria. After all, where the device is produced will depend on its price and very often the quality. One of the most popular are machines from the USA. They can do a lot of work in a very short time.


The productivity of such machines usually ranges from 4.5 to 8.5 kilograms per hour. Each model has its own capacity. Thus, those who are going to serve crowded parks and events often choose American products.

Heating element

There are two types of heaters for melting sugar – ring, and spiral. The latter makes caramel much faster – in less than half a minute. But it gets polluted faster and breaks down much more often.

heating element

The advantage of the ring heater is also that it is enough to heat it to remove the remnants of sugar, but the spiral should be cleaned at the end of the work. Where there is a large flow of buyers and there is a risk of large queues, often use ten-heaters.

Where the flow of customers is distributed fairly evenly during the day and where the speed of heating is important, it is better to use a spiral device.

Working head

There are two types of apparatuses – with cotton wool output on top, as in Chinese and Taiwanese models, and with side output, as in American models.

The upper output is very convenient, allows you to twist large beautiful portions. Also, you can make cotton wool in the form of flowers and other shapes, even a beginner can work on this machine.

Also, these machines usually get a little more fluffy cotton, but they also have a major drawback. They are not designed for high performance and can not cope with the large flow of people and huge queues.

In case of severe overheating, these machines can often clog with unprocessed sugar and even just stop giving out cotton wool.

Another major drawback is the long heating time, about three minutes, which in some cases is critical. But, side-producing units are quick to heat up and can work for many hours without interruptions.

Cooking cotton on them is more difficult, especially if you twist large portions of cotton wool.

But, still, such devices are considered professional and serve as a benchmark of quality around the world. At good points with high cross-country ability, for example, at public events, they are used.

The thread-catching bowl

Here, the first thing to pay attention to is the material of the catch pot: it is made of either metal or plastic. Metal lasts longer, but it increases the total cost of the device.

plastic candy floss maker aluminium candy floss maker

The plastic bowl is most often used on cheaper models, but it requires more care as it can be damaged during transport.

Power Consumption

The motor of the cotton candy machines is powered by electricity and its power also plays an important role in the choice.

If you have a small flow of customers, you should not take a multi-power machine that produces from 4 to 8, or even more kilograms of product per hour. The cost of its maintenance will be very high.

It is best, in this case, to buy a machine up to 1.5 kilowatts, which will produce from 2 to 3 kilograms per hour.

Availability of extra accessories

On the one hand, these items seem insignificant, but one cannot do without them – for quality work, of course. For example, if you have a device with side wool output, you should equip it with a net with holders for stabilization.

This element will allow the threads from sugar to stick to the walls of the catcher and not fly out of the device.

It is also important to have a lid on the bowl. It will protect the resulting cotton wool from dust, rain, and insects. It will also help maintain the aesthetic appearance of the machine itself.

If you have a small device that has to be moved frequently, it can be equipped with a trolley. You can also equip a portable extractor hood to cut the smell of burning sugar if the machine is standing in a mall.

This model is a perfect choice for commercial use. It combines the best quality and price.

Our Top Pick
Cotton Candy Machine cart -NurxiovoCotton Candy Machine cart -Nurxiovo

This cotton candy maker produces a tasty cotton candy in 7-8 seconds. It comes with a rolling cart to be transported and moved.
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Other excellent cotton candy makers:

Happybuy Candy Floss Maker

Happybuy Candy Floss Maker

This candy floss macine can work for quick, yet whisper-quiet operation. It produces up to 2-3 servings of tasty cotton candy in a minute.

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VIVO Pink Electric Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

VIVO Pink Electric Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

This model is perfect for home or commercial use. It’s also capable of melting hard candies and making delicious floss out of them.

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Olde Midway Commercial Quality Cotton Candy Machine

Olde Midway Commercial Quality Cotton Candy Machine

This device can make one porion of candy floss in 30 seconds. It has power switch, heat controller and volt meter. 

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VIVO Blue Electric Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

VIVO Blue Electric Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

This cotton candy machine produses 2 or even 3 porions per mitute. It transforms hard candy or sugar into wooly cotton candy. 

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VBENLEM Electric Candy Floss Maker 20.5 Inch Cotton Candy Machine

VBENLEM Electric Candy Floss Maker

This electric cotton candy machine produces up to 7 servings of tasty cotton candy in a minute. It has skid-resistant rubber feet which decrease vibration.

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Happybuy Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

Happybuy Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

This canddy floss maker comes with an excellent stainless steel bowl. It produces 2-3 portions of cotton candy per minute. 


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Cotton Candy Machine cart -Nurxiovo

Cotton Candy Machine cart -NurxiovoThis model is easily placed on a special trolley, making it an excellent option for mobile use.

The main bowl is made of stainless steel. The material is durable and able to last a long time. You can also try the stainless steel cookware. The device has quite high power.


  • includes a spoon dispenser that allows you to add sugar while working
  • good power performance
  • heats to the desired temperature in 30 seconds
  • in uninterrupted use, the mode allows for the better quality of work

The device heats up to the desired temperature 30 seconds after switching on.

Owners of this device in their feedback note that the best quality of work is achieved under conditions of uninterrupted voltage.

The bowl is made of aluminum and has a diameter of 52 cm. To get one part of sugar wool, the device must be filled with 10-15 grams of raw material.

For a point with low cross-country ability, this will be the best option, especially if you consider its low cost. According to users, this is the most compact and strong device for making cotton candy.

The distinctive feature of this device – high power in comparison with similar desktop equipment. It is equipped with a voltmeter to check the current-voltage.

The technical characteristics of the device remove all restrictions about its use in crowded places. Installing that device in the entertainment complex will not contradict the rules of safety. So, this is one of the best options for business.

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Happybuy Candy Floss Maker

Happybuy Candy Floss MakerThis machine is the strongest and most compact. The bowl is made of strong stainless steel and has a diameter of 52 centimeters.

Among the majority of competitors is characterized by increased strength of the entire structure.


  • has a high power-rating
  • there is a voltmeter that allows you to measure the voltage at the moment of operation
  • can be installed in public places, so the model is suitable for business

There is a box for raw materials, aromatic additives, and consumables. Thanks to the direct drive of the head, the machine is less prone to breakage.

It is more often associated with the breakage of the belt providing rotation. Thus, this machine will be the best choice for a business based on the sale of cotton candy.

It is a convenient and productive sugar wool machine. It is able to process 3 kilograms of raw material per hour, with a cold start time of 4 minutes.

The machine weighs 10 kilograms and can be mounted on a cart, which will increase the mobility of the equipment.

The catcher is made of stainless steel, so the equipment is particularly strong and durable. It is equipped with a special gasket between the body and the catcher. It eliminates unnecessary sounds caused by vibration during operation.

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VIVO Pink Electric Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

VIVO Pink Electric Commercial Cotton Candy MachineThis sugar wool machine pleases the user with its high productivity. This makes it easy to use in crowded areas.

It is allowed to be used indoors and outdoors. The steel bowl has a larger diameter and is equipped with reliable protection against chips and cracks.


  • large work bowl
  • long life ensures that the bowl is resistant to various damages
  • there are special storage compartments in the drawer
  • dolly and tabletop
  • compact dimensions are easy to transport

This machine will also delight the user with its excellent performance. It will allow you to quickly produce large amounts of cotton candy.

It is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use, making it one of the best choices for the business.

The larger diameter of the bowl is made of stainless steel, it is not subject to cracks and splits, which increases the life of the whole equipment. There are separate compartments in the drawer for accessories, raw materials, and flavors.

The equipment is designed to be mounted on the table but can be mounted on a trolley if required and increased mobility.

The device is quite compact. According to users’ feedback, the equipment will work indoors without complaints. But there can be difficulties in the street due to power outages.

This is the most expensive cotton candy appliance in our review. But feedback from owners suggests that it is the most convenient model for mobile commerce.

In particular, it has a maneuverable trolley with handles for transport and sturdy supports.

Users also note the high performance of the unit, it is capable of delivering up to 4 servings per minute. This makes it the ideal solution for street trading in crowded areas.

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Olde Midway Commercial Quality Cotton Candy Machine

Olde Midway Commercial Quality Cotton Candy MachineThis device has a rather high price, but a lot of feedback from users confirmed its quality and stable operation.

Easy trolley operation is achieved by its increased maneuverability and comfortable handles.

It is impossible not to mention the productivity of the device, which reaches four portions in one minute of work.


  • good performance will delight customers
  • high-strength aluminum bowl
  • there is a special storage box for raw materials and consumables
  • convenient and easy to operate design
  • cannot be broken by the direct type of head drive

This cotton candy wool oven is made of high-quality materials and has a long service life. It is not subject to external influences and deformation.

It has wear-resistant properties and maintains its original appearance even during regular use. The device does not need any special care and is cleaned from dirt with a soft damp cloth and a special non-abrasive agent.

This device for making cotton candy functions from a standard household network. The largest power consumption of the model saves electrical energy. The compact size of the device creates comfortable conditions for use, storage, and transportation.

It comes with two cones for cotton candy and a measuring spoon. The model is equipped with rubberized feet, so it is resistant to any surface type. There is a mechanical switch in the design, which activates the device.

To prepare cotton candy, turn on the device, pour sugar in a special hole, and collect the finished fibers, lightly winding them up on sticks.

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VIVO Blue Electric Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

VIVO Blue Electric Commercial Cotton Candy MachineThis device can process up to three kilograms of raw material per hour. The cold start time is up to four minutes.

It is easy to increase the mobility of the unit by mounting it on a special trolley.

The bowl is made of standard material – stainless steel and helps to create a large volume of sugar wool.


  • sturdy and high-quality work bowl
  • works quietly thanks to the special gasket between the case and the bowl
  • includes several storage boxes for consumables
  • there’s a voltmeter that identifies the cause of possible instability in the device
  • the power cord can be easily replaced in case of failure

Sugar boxes and shock absorbers are included, as well as a spoon to allow the continuous addition of raw materials.

The control panel is equipped with a voltmeter, which allows you to determine the cause of unstable operation. For example, a malfunction in the device or power failure.

The power cord is designed as a standard computer cable. If necessary, it can be replaced easily. It is the best choice for business, as it combines excellent technical qualities and low cost.

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VBENLEM Electric Candy Floss Maker

VBENLEM Electric Candy Floss Maker 20.5 Inch Cotton Candy MachineThis machine is mounted on a special construction with rubber feet, which contains all the necessary control levers.

The structure is highly resistant and can be easily placed on the floor and ground.

The trolley has a control system: fuse, on/off buttons, toggle switch. To measure the voltage in the network, a voltmeter is installed.


  • the large width of the catch pot bowl is easy to operate
  • perfectly handles the creation of cotton wool regardless of temperature conditions
  • does not make loud and unpleasant noises
  • ergonomic handle for easy handling
  • perform well

After switching on, the machine heats sugar, melting it to a liquid state. Then, it will draw liquid sugar through small holes in the spinner and turn it into thin sugar threads.

Take one of the sticks that come with it and rotate it in a circle to collect cotton candy on it.

The cotton candy wool machine can use both special sugar and regular sugar sand. And to give the sweet cotton candy flavor and aroma, you can add a pinch of instant powder for fruit drinks.

And if you add a food coloring agent, you can make cotton candy of any color.

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Happybuy Commercial Cotton Candy Machine

Happybuy Commercial Cotton Candy MachineThis review is completed by a simple design in bright colors. It has an umbrella and two large wheels that allow the structure to move freely.

Moving the model is also easy with the optional removable handle. The work surface is made of durable metal.


  • the unusual and bright design immediately attracts customers’ attention
  • convenient and easy to move with the handle and large wheels
  • rapidly starts working on a cold start
  • includes measuring cup and storage tanks for consumables

According to user feedback, this is the most compact and strong unit for making cotton candy.

The diameter of the catcher bowl 52 cm, it is made of stainless steel, which makes it very durable.

The distinctive feature of this device – high power in comparison with similar desktop equipment. It is equipped with a voltmeter to check the current-voltage.

This unit for sugar wool is equipped with powerful heating elements to ensure high productivity. It is equipped with a stainless steel housing for use in food production environments.

The powerful motor ensures the high efficiency of the sugar wool machine. The housing protects the operator from contact with hot heaters.

The internal parts are made of special food-grade plastic. It does not come into contact with the product and does not release any dangerous compounds even when heated.

Besides, this sugar wool machine has a compact housing of modern design and does not need any significant storage space.

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FAQ for cotton candy maker buyers

How does the sugar melt in the sugar wool machine?

Sugar wool is made by heating the sugar. This process involves melting the sugar with a tan or a spiral located in the head of the sugar wool machine. Liquid sugar is then passed through small holes in the body of the rotating mechanism of the head. When it comes into contact with the air it solidifies as sweet “threads”.

Which sticks are better to use: wooden or plastic?

The advantage of wooden sticks: environmentally friendly, unlike plastic sticks – do not wet when winding wool.

What kind of power should the sugar wool machine have?

The power of the device should be not less than 950W at 220V.

What is the average sugar consumption rate?

Two teaspoons of sugar are enough to make one part of cotton wool. In fact, you can make 200 servings from 1 kg of sugar.