11 Types of kitchen knives and when to use it

Real cooking pros know how important are kitchen knives in the process of meal preparation. There are more than 10 types of them and each one is serving a different purpose. In case you know for what each knife is for and how to use it right, your cooking process will become many times easier … Read more

How to cook rice in microwave fast & safe


As time goes by, technologies keep on evolving, offering us loads of new tools for everyday life, and the kitchen is not an exception. Popular today microwaves were first introduced to our homes back in 1967. All thanks to Percy Spencer, who once was building radars and came to an idea of his invention when … Read more

11 tips to save space on your kitchen


Are you planning on making your kitchen look airy and spacious or maybe you continuously struggle to keep it neat and tidy? Or maybe you are about to start creating your future kitchen room anew from empty space? It doesn’t matter which situation you have, because this article will bring some light onto this issue … Read more

50 Must-have kitchen gadgets (Ultimate list)

kitchen appliances

The kitchen is the place in the house where we most often use household appliances and other special devices. Of course, you will not always have the entire range of existing kitchen appliances in your home – most often it is simply not necessary, and some devices and only professional chefs need. However, for ordinary … Read more

11 Kitchen tools every vegan should have


You can see that today veganism is more popular than ever. More and more people switch to a vegan lifestyle refusing to eat the products made from the animal flesh. That’s probably for the better since veganism is more environmentally friendly and better for human health. The plant-based fats, unlike the aminal ones, contain much … Read more

10 Tips to keep your kitchen clean while cooking


In general, all the people can be divided into two categories – those, who like cooking and who doesn’t. The first find it really exciting to try out new recipes and test their culinary skills. And really, there are so many different dishes from all the cuisines from around the world and life won’t be … Read more

3 Easy steps to clean electric cooktop


If you belong to that kind of person for whom it is much cheaper to pay for the electricity than for the gas then you probably have an induction cooktop at your house. To be honest, electric cooktops are maybe not as effective as the other 2 kinds (induction and gas), but they are safer … Read more

What is Induction Cookware & How to use it


Induction cooking uses the transfer of magnetic energy, unlike the traditional cooking elements that we are got used to, so it doesn’t work on a flame or electric elements and instead of that it creates a quick, efficient way of cooking. Water boils much more quickly, the temperature is controlled easily, and pots stay mostly … Read more

How to clean an induction cooktop


An induction cooktop is one of the best types of cooktops in general and extremely convenient in usage. It gives you the possibility not just to heat up pots and frying pans on it, but you can easily place a usual plate on it and warm up a portion of dinner for you. There will … Read more

6 Types of modern water filters


Water is life. It doesn’t only consist of 70 percent of our planet but it is also the crucial element in our living. Nowadays probably everyone knows how important it is to drink water. But of course, the water that you consume and use daily should be filtered and harmless for your health. It is … Read more